October 26, 2004


Today Castor had a dentist appointment. Let me tell you how this works. First, you stand in the box to hold the horse calm for the treatment. Then, the dentist fixes a brace over the muzzle of the horse, picks up a gigantic rasp (handyman style XXL) out of a bucket of disinfected water, sticks his hand and lower arm in the horse's mouth and starts filing away. After this rasping session, he then puts his hand in again, checks that the teeth are smooth and then picks out old pieces of munched hay that get stuck like Juicy Fruit between the teeth and the back cavity of the mouth.

Avanti, a wise old gelding in the box near Castor, had a tooth pulled. More or less the same procedure.

Castor has a good dentist. He charges more than mine does.


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